Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thing #2 part 1

Reading different blogs, I have noticed that there is not really any correct or incorrect way to make a blog or to write in one. *They can be short, They can be long. They can be written to persuade or simply to inform, they can also be used just as a venting space to see what others are experiencing and how we can help each other.*

Reading a blog is no different than reading a story, Writing a blog seems to be less formal.

The way I see a blog---- I can use them to inform----or I can use them to get others opinions on some topic that I am interested in. The more people that respond to or comment on a particular blog, the more knowledge I can gain. If I am using one to inform, then my students can make their comments according to what I have posted.

Collaboration is the key to greater success. The more communication between students and their classmates and with their teachers, the better the outcome of their education. When we post to someone else's blog we must take care to only enhance what is written. We are not there to criticize but to gain knowledge and add supporting comments or simply comment on a differing opinion, or give our own slant to a blog.

These are my thoughts right now, I am still investigating my opinion and will post more in part 2.


  1. You said it...the more we can get our students to collaborate with us, the more successful they will be.

  2. Most definitely blogs can be whatever the author wants them to be,which is the beauty of them. You touched on communication between students and their classmates and blogs can be a highly effective tool for facilitating that. Commenting on blogs is more than just saying, "Hey, great post!" or "I agree." Comments need to be substantive and thoughtful in order to enhance what is written and to extend the initial conversation (dialogue) begun by the blog post itself. Commenting, however, isn't the easiest thing to do. In fact, I have never been one who comments faithfully on blogs, but by facilitating this class, I am (thankfully) getting better at it!

  3. I agree and I love collaborating! Blogging takes teamwork to a whole new level! It seems like a great way to communicate -- not just one way communication -- but actually two way communicating; enabling a response from the readers! Where both sides come away with more knowledge! I'm looking forward to getting so acclimated to the blogging process that I can focus my mind on what to actually blog about, not just how to do it! I think it will take some time to train the students (and ourselves) about how to constructively agree & disagree with blog posts, but with discretion, I think we all can benefit by eachother's interactions!
