Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thing 23

Web 2.0 and the 21st Century Learner.

The world changes in the blink of the eye. We have technology that some people said would never happen. Everyone thought the telephone was a crazy idea, way back when. Now we have phones that we talk on, surf the web, take pictures and video, type into blogs, and a whole host of other applications. This means that teacher must take the time and school systems must embrace the technology and teach the teachers how to use the technology that it has and what it buys. Only then can we do our jobs and teach the students.

We as school need to prepare our students so that they know how to use this technology. When I say use, I mean appropriately and effectively, so that they get the most out of the information it can provide. We must teach the dangers of its use as well as all of the positive things that it can do.

I am really glad I decided to take this class. I have used wordle with my students. I have used creative commoms in a project from I also cannot wait to share "Things" with my students and my co-workers.

There is so much out there, I am not sure that I have even scratched the surface of what is available, but I do know where I can go to keep my students and myself growing in the applications and uses of the World Wide Web.

Some of the stuff I have done for this class I did with the mindset of what will I need for my classroom to do. Others I did for me. I think that for me to grow as a teacher I must continue my quest to find others who want technology to continue to grow and become useable in the schools, so that our students are prepared for life.

I hope to continue posting to this blog and maybe some of my classmates will to.

See ya on the back side.

Chris Pannell

Westside Middle School
Barrow County Schools
Winder, GA 30680

my blog panedlife pannellcatlanta panedlife panedlife

google account-
barrow county email

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thing 22

The image was created at

Wordle: WEB 2.0

The second exploration took me into
I created an account and started playing in the calendar feature, it is pretty neat. Can't wait to play with it some more and and some files. I want to see if I can build each individual class and have assignments posted there. Right now it is a toss up between here and schoolrack.

Thing 5d

The words DA investigates and education are never a good combination. Here is a perfect example of administrators so caught up in making AYP and having good test scores that they have now jeopardized there careers and apparently lost. As of this post the principal has resigned and the assistant has been reassigned. Will have to keep following updates on this as I know more will be coming out on this one.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing 21

I see this as a great place to gather and hold lots of information that you may want to get to in a hurry. Without having to open up 5 or 6 different addresses.

I can see having not only personal information here, but also professional stuff and even things your are learning about or how to do activities.

I posted the template that you created and love it, but I will add my own stuff as I go. I added country music, twitter, and facebook and I can not wait to see how they work in this environment. If they work well I can see having my blogspot, plurk, podcast, and any other host of items housed in different pages so that they could be easily accessible for what ever class you happen to be teaching.

Thing 20

I think Google Documents may be my newest favorite. I have always wondered, just as I did with my favorites on my computer- how can I access these from anywhere. Now I know if we set up forms on Google documents then we as a collective groups can go in and edit and then everyone in our group can see the changes and see if others need to be made.

Being the Staffing Coordinator if the people in my department could go in and edit a form I created then there would not be constant emailing back and forth of documents that I need to have updated every couple of weeks. They could just make their changes and I would have the very newest version right at my finger tips.